Saturday, April 6, 2019

The River Walk Under Christmas Lights

After a good night's sleep in a little boutique hotel in Katy, we took our time to head out.  We weren't going very far this day - all the way to San Antonio, just a couple of hours down the road.

I lived in San Antonio in the 1980s after finishing my first stint in the Army, and I have  lot of fond memories of it - including the River Walk, which has been expanded since I was last there.  But, I wanted to see the River Walk decked out in Christmas lights, which meant spending the night.  We enjoyed looking at the things in the rest area in Seguin

It was lunch time when we got to San Antonio, so we went by the River Walk for lunch and to spend some time there during the day.  We had a nice lunch by the river with some ducks and other birds.

The birds were definitely comfortable with people.  I was startled the first time one walked past my chair and rubbed against my leg. Even more shocked when one landed on the table and helped himself to a chip while we were still sitting there!  We were trying to eat, so we didn't get any pictures of it.

Over the last several years, we have eaten multiple types of Latin-American food, including food from multiple regions in Mexico and multiple types of American-style Mexican food.  I have to admit, Tex-Mex is still my favorite.  This is also the meal that convinced us to switch our big meal of the day to lunch instead of dinner since we no longer have family members out in different places during the day, and we're eating pretty much all of our meals together now.  It was just as delicious as I remember Tex-Mex to be.  If you look closely, you can see part of my scar through my peek-a-boo shoulders on my shirt.

They have water taxis that you can take around different parts of the river.  All you have to do is stand on the steps so the taxi knows to pick you up - like these guys did.

After lunch, we walked upstairs and over to the Alamo.  All the time that I live there, I had not visited the Alamo, so this was a first for me.  The audio tour that you can buy in the plaza is a waste of money.  It's primarily just a recording of someone reading the signs by each exhibit.  After a a few of them, I let the player just hang around my neck and enjoyed the museum.

After the Alamo, we checked into our hotel, up close to my old neighborhood outside Hillcrest.  The plan was to take a boat ride that night on the River Walk and check out the old neighborhood on the way out in the morning.  I started talking to the desk clerk when we checked in.  He was telling me about all the changes that had been made in the area, especially around Medical Drive.  While Bruce was napping,  I kept remembering how much trouble I had with the major changes in Monterey, and I started having second thoughts about going back to the old neighborhood.

But that was a decision for tomorrow.  The night was for the River Walk decked out in Christmas lights.  Again, I don't do so well filming in the dark.  Chrissy just taught me how to make some minor adjustments to be able to get a decent picture in China, and I'm still practicing and learning.  It was amazing and magical taking that river cruise.  The lights were awesome.  I wish my shots gave it justice, but sadly, they're disappointing.  I'll share them with you anyway.

No matter how much Chrissy tries to show me, I just haven't gotten the hang of the selfie yet.

If you ever have the opportunity to see the River Walk at Christmas, I highly suggest doing it.  It was beautiful!

When we woke the next morning, I decided to forego going through my old neighborhood.  Maybe next time, but I just didn't have the courage to see that things that were important to me were gone, so we headed West through the hill country.

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